Monday, October 6, 2008

Visual Basic: Creating a Windows forms application that uses custom-made class library

In this presentation you will see how to create a Windows forms application that uses our custom-made MyVBClassLib class library. In this example you will also see how to add a new project to a solution.

Presentation type: Flash SWF
Software needed to apply: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Open the presentation here.
Separate code listings can be found here (you can open them while the presentation, too).

Friday, October 3, 2008

Visual Basic: Creating a class library

In this presentation you will see how to create a simple class library using Visual Basic. Class library is a re-usable collection, or a component, of classes and operations, which serve some common purpose that different applications can use. In this example we create a class library containing a class called MyServer, which has a method called Calculate. This method calculates two integer operands by using the given operator (+, -, /, *). So, the operands and the operator are the parameters of the method. There is also a code listing in a separate file (PDF) where you can see the complete code of the class and write it into your class. Later we will create a few client applications, which use this class library to perform calculations. Note that the compiled version of the library will have a file extension .dll. This example applies also to Visual C# and Visual J#.

Presentation type: Flash SWF
Software needed to apply: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Open the presentation here.
Separate code listings can be found here (you can open them while the presentation, too).

ASP.NET/Visual Basic: Creating a simple web application

This presentation shows how to create and test a simple ASP.NET web application using Visual Basic. This example applies also to Visual C# and Visual J#.

Presentation type: Flash SWF
Software needed to apply: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Open the presentation here.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Customising gradient colors in Flash CS3

You can apply and customise your own gradient colors for shapes. Here is a little presentation how you can do that in Flash CS3.

Presentation type: Flash SWF
Software needed to apply: Adobe Flash CS3

Open the presentation here.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New shape drawing features in Flash CS3

Drawing basic shapes in Flash CS3 provides some new features. Here is a little presentation how to draw different kinds of rectangles and ovals.

Presentation type: Flash SWF
Software needed to apply: Adobe Flash CS3

Open the presentation here.

Monday, September 29, 2008

ASP.NET/C#: Creating a web service

In this presentation you will see how to create a simple web service with Visual Studio 2005. Used language is C#, but this can be done also with Visual Basic. You will also see how to test the web service before publishing it or creating a client app to use it.

Presentation type: Flash SWF
Software needed to apply: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Open the presentation here.

VBA: Recording a macro in Excel 2007

In this presentation you will see how to record a simple macro in Excel 2007. In this example you will see how to record a macro that does something little on the sheet. You will also see how to use the macro.

Presentation type: Flash SWF
Software needed to apply: Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Open the presentation here.

VBA: Creating a macro in Excel 2007

In this presentation you will see how to create a simple macro in Excel 2007. In this example you will see how to create a sub-routine in a separate code module and how to assign a button - added on the sheet - to a macro.

Presentation type: Flash SWF
Software needed to apply: Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Open the presentation here.

ASP.NET/C#: Using Google Maps to find a location

You can use Google Maps service to find a location, for example a street address. In this example you will see how to create a web page with a text field and a button to find a location based on a street address. In this presentation you will see how to create a small ASP.NET application to use Google Maps to show the entered location on the map.

Presentation type: Flash SWF
Software needed to apply: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Open the presentation here.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

PHP: Using Google Maps to find a location

You can use Google Maps service to find a location, for example a street address. In this example we create a web page with a text field and a button to find a location based on a street address. We create a small PHP program to use Google Maps to show the entered location on the map. See the example running here.

Create a new HTML/PHP file using your text editor. Place a form on the page as in listing 1. On the form there will be a text field and a button.

Listing 1. The form code. Click on the picture to see it in it's original size.

Next, add a PHP script block in the very top of the document. Nothing - even an empty row or a space - cannot be before the block. See listing 2.

Listing 2. The PHP script block and code. Click on the picture to see it in it's original size.

Save the file under your web server directory with .php extension by the name find.php (or equivalent to the PHP file name in your form's action attribute). Open the page in your browser using http. Enter a location in the address field, for example Mannerheimintie 1, 00100 Helsinki, and hit the find button. The location should now be opened on the Google Maps.

JavaScript: Using Google Maps to find a location

You can use Google Maps service to find a location, for example a street address. In this example we create a web page with a text field and a button to find a location based on a street address. We create a small JavaScript program to use Google Maps in a new window to show the entered location on the map. See the example running here.

Create a new HTML file using your text editor. Place a form on the page as in listing 1. On the form there will be a text field and a button.

Listing 1. The form code. Click on the picture to see it in it's original size.

Next, add a script block in the header section of the document. See listing 2.

Listing 2. The JavaScipt block and code. Click on the picture to see it in it's original size.

Save the file. Open the page in your browser. Enter a location in the address field, for example Mannerheimintie 1, 00100 Helsinki, and hit the find button. The location should now be opened in a new window on the Google Maps.

VBA: Saving Excel macro-enabled workbook

In Excel 2007, you must save your workbooks containing VBA macros as a macro-enabled workbook. Otherwise, your macros will not be saved. The picture below illustrates how to save your workbook enabled with macros. Click on the picture to see it in it's original size.

Picture 1. Save as Excel macro-enabled workbook.

VBA: Macro tools in Excel 2007

In Office 2007 applications macro tools can be enabled by adding the Developer tab in the Office ribbon. To do this in Excel, click the office button and then click Excel Options. In the Excel Options dialog check the Show Developer tab in the Ribbon. Click OK. Now the Developer tab should appear in the ribbon. See picture 2.

The picture below illustrates checking the Show Developer tab in the Ribbon option. Click on the picture to see it in it's original size.

Picture 1. Show Developer tab in the ribbon option.

The picture below illustrates the Developer tab in the Excel ribbon. Click on the picture to see it in it's original size.

Picture 2. Developer tab.